Friday, February 25, 2011

Hellooooooo again!

So I know what you're thinking as you're reading this right now.."It's about time he wrote something else on this blog!". And you'd be exactly right. For those of you who still check out the blog - thank you! And for those of you who don't - well, I guess it doesn't matter because you're not reading this.
As you know, it's been almost 7 MONTHS since I've last posted on here, and to make it even worse, I said back in August that I would continue the series on James that I had started. This of course has not happened, and for that I am very sorry. I hope I'm still loved. :-D I will most definitely continue that series sometime in the very near future.

Anyways, even though the blog has been dormant for this period of time, God has been doing amazing things in my life! I thought this would be a great time to share some of them with you.
First off, as a little background, I'm currently finishing up winter quarter of my 4th year at OSU (woot) and it's been an absolute BLAST. Yes, the weather sucks, and yes, it is downpouring super cold rain right now (I know you're asking that in your head), but despite all that, God has used this quarter as a time for great personal growth, and as a time to really connect with Him in ways I've never really experienced before. I'll straight up admit that winter can be a pretty depressing time of the year, especially if you hate cold weather, and a lot of my time has been spent indoors - which I'm not a fan of - but in a way it's been a good thing because I've had more time to really spend time in the Word and to also spend time with great people and friends in my life that have really challenged me Spiritually. Being in a Christian community has been great for me this year, and it's something I really want to touch base on tonight.
Being in a Christian community really is such a great thing, and as Christians, we ALL need this. It's very hard, if not impossible, to have a thriving relationship with Christ if we do not have a community of believers around us to share our joys with and our struggles too. That's the great thing about community - we're all in this together. Chances are, whatever struggles you may be going through, there's someone else close to you that's going through, or has gone through, the very same thing. Someone that can encourage you in your time of need.
Here's what Paul has to say about it in Hebrews 10:24-25, "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching."
So what's he saying? "Let us not give up meeting together...but let us encourage one another". Boom. Here's just one of many examples of this found in the Bible. We need to be encouraging to one another in our walks with Christ! We need to be there for each other. Despite what you may think, living a life that Christ calls us to live is not fact, it's pretty hard sometimes. At least in my life, it's very easy to buy into the lies that the world throws at me, despite the promises that God makes in the Bible - promises that only through Him will I experience true joy and happiness. Why do I choose the wrong path? I don't know. I do know this though - through these rough times in my life, going to a friend or spiritual leader and letting out my frustrations to them and allowing them to encourage me has been so vital in my walk with Christ.
If you're reading this right now, and you're going through a rough time, with anything really, I really just encourage you to talk to someone about it; someone who will be able to help you through it and encourage you at the same time. Trust me, it works.
A little side note - a "church" is NOT just a building. "church" is NOT just a Sunday morning service. We, as the body of believers of Jesus Christ, are the "church". The Christian church is a COMMUNITY. We're all running this race together, side by side. Let's not forget that.

Again, thank you for reading my blog! I really do hope that anything I've said can help you in your walk with Christ. Please talk to me if you have any questions or comments!

In the meantime, watch this video and this video, both of which involve animals talking in British accents. They're hilarious.

God Bless!